Tasks alleged to have caused injury in WRULD Claims heard in Courts in England, Scotland and Wales

Using Powered Hand Tools

TaskInjuryClaimant (Case)
RivettingBrachial Plexus Injury, Unspecified Mills (Mills - v - British Aerospace)
Use of a compressed air gunTenosynovitis Baker (Tree et al - v - M K Electrics Ltd)
Tenosynovitis Eckersley (Tree et al - v - M K Electrics Ltd)
Lateral Epicondylitis Kosskinski (Kosskinski - v - Chrysler United Kingdom Ltd)
Tenosynovitis Solly (Tree et al - v - M K Electrics Ltd)
Use of a pneumatic screwdriverLateral Epicondylitis Dawkins (Pepall et al - v - Thorn Consumer Electronics)
Tenosynovitis Pepall (Pepall et al - v - Thorn Consumer Electronics)
Shoulder Injury, Unspecified Richardson (Richardson - v - Electrolux Household Appliances Ltd)
Use of a sanderDe Quervain's Syndrome Stephenson (Stephenson - v - Prestige Veneers Ltd)
Use of a spray gunDe Quervain's Syndrome Brammer (Brammer - v - Vauxhall Motors Ltd)
Lateral Epicondylitis Collins (Collins - v - British Aerospace Defence Ltd)
Use of a staple gunDe Quervain's Syndrome Jelfs (Jelfs - v - Kohen Windsor Box Company Ltd)
Use of an air operated sanderTrigger Finger Lee (Lee - v - Vauxhall Motors Ltd)
Use of an orbital sanderLateral Epicondylitis Knott (Knott - v - Rugby Group plc)
Lateral Epicondylitis Roberts (Roberts - v - Rolls Royce)
Use of electric grinding toolsLateral Epicondylitis McFarlane (McFarlane -v- Ferguson Shipbuilders Ltd)
Use of hand held vibrating toolsCarpal Tunnel Syndrome Walker (Walker - v - Wabco Automotive UK Ltd)

Last updated: 26/03/2014