WRULD Claims heard in England, Scotland and Wales

References to and/or interpretations of HSE Guidance Documents - Warlow -v- Compass Group UK & Ireland Ltd

Manual handling: Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 L23 Guidance on Regulations: Version-undefined
Warlow -v- Compass Group UK & Ireland Ltd | Find Other Cases

In the Judgment on the 22nd December 2008, at paragraph 39, there is an implicit reference to the HSE's guidance on the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, though it is unclear which version of the guidance is being referred to:

[The Ergonomics Expert instructed by the Defendant] says that there was no need for an assessment here because the weight lifted did not of itself give rise to the need for such an assessment by reference to general guidance issued by the Health and Safety Executive. That is not to say that there is no risk of injury but that the risk of injury was not such as to give rise to the need for a detailed assessment.


Last updated: 14/05/2013