
Delegates' comments on
previous seminars on related topics
"a fascinating and disturbing insight into what can happen
in the Courts" Senior OH Nurse;
"an excellent update and presentation on what can be very dry stuff" Solicitor/Partner;
"very useful and thought provoking" Human Resources Director;
"the information on the new H & S legislation was particularly useful" Health & Safety
"it confirmed my worst fears about how things are going!" Factory
"excellent seminar, delivery interesting and knowledgeable" Occupational
"a valuable opportunity to reflect on the issues" Manual Handling/Ergonomics
"Very informative" Facilities Manager;
"we have already started amending our approach" Health & Safety Adviser;
"I found the case law updates and amendments to the regs particularly interesting" Associate
"provided a lot of food for thought" Health & Safety Co-ordinator;
"it has certainly opened my eyes to the need to get a firm grip on this problem" Personnel
"very interesting, useful and somewhat depressing from OH perspective" UK
Occupational Health Manager;
"excellent delivery and comprehensive documentation" HR Officer;
"some of my colleagues certainly need to attend the next series" Insurance/Risk
Next: Contact info
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