
Delegates' comments on previous seminars
"Thought provoking review of the new guidance " Occupational
Health Nurse;
Answered many of my queries and raised many questions to think about. Enjoyable" H&S
Complicated issues were made easy to understand" Office Manager;
Very helpful and informative. Also interesting!" Solicitor;
Very helpful overview of the implications for our home workers, being networked
by the end of this year" H R Manager;
Gave me more understanding of the new regs and how I have to implement them
back in the workplace" IT Manager;
Excellent presentation & extremely informative. Good discussion around
pertinent points" Occupational Health Nurse Advisor;
Very satisfied with all aspects of seminar" Health & Safety Adviser;
Good seminar - easy going pace - not too technical or jargonised - plenty of
opportunity to discuss points/questions" Industrial Safety
Very good - highlighted changes with new guidelines - made us aware of what
to do to avoid any litigation!" Medical Advisor;
Very enlightening - particularly the flaws in the regs" Central
Support Facilities Co-ordinator;
Very interesting and some real food for thought" Legal Executive;
A very thorough overview of what can be a dry subject. I learnt a lot & discovered
different slants on the legislation" Training Officer;
I’ve come away suitably informed & able to save the company some
money!" Occupational Health Nurse;
Very relevant. Very practical & down to earth" HR Planning
Very impressive seminar, well presented" Occupational Health
Gave good advice on how to interpret the guidelines when vague or contradictory" Administration
The seminar was informative and interesting - very enjoyable! Thank you" Safety
Very knowledgeable & informative speaker" Computing Services
Very interesting, well presented" Consultant in Occupational
Well structured and informative - good handout material" Estates
Excellent links to additional material" IT Manager;
Excellent seminar & very inspiring and thought provoking. All questions
dealt with. Many thanks" Staff Support Administrator;
Very well presented & good interaction of those present encouraged" Occupational
Health Manager;
Obscure issues clarified concisely with examples given. Well done!" H & S
Training Officer;
Interesting seminar on the current legislation & limitations / contradictions
within it. Rather feel that the employer is between a rock & hard place,
but better to be aware of it!" Health & Safety Manager;
Thank you for an excellent seminar" Solicitor/Partner;
The seminar was very interesting and demonstrated that we need to give greater
thought to both our existing policies & systems of work, as well as take
account of changes in legislation. I found it very thought provoking, and a
bit worrying in terms of our position in law" Health & Safety Advisor
/ Accommodation Officer;
Speaker made subject matter very interesting & was very knowledgeable" Facilities
Information was of a very high level and well presented" Safety
Very informative" Manager Corporate Compliance;
Excellent, well presented, easy to understand!" Health & Safety Adviser;
Very interesting" Solicitor;
Excellent speaker" Safety Adviser.
1 - 2 - 3. Next: Information.
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